Pride and Gratitude


Have you met someone who demonstrates extreme pride? Have you ever had a situation perhaps a child or a parent or a significant other of whom you are very proud? Perhaps, because they have some talent or are exceptionally kind? Or, perhaps have done exceedingly well in life?

Is pride bad for us? If so, why? After all, all of us have experienced it at some point in life. And, for most part, we have worked hard for our accomplishment – there cannot be certainly anything wrong about being proud of our hard work.

My dilemma was solved when I started thinking about free will (topic for another blog post). But, I’ll touch on this a bit – say I am really proud about my education. The pride will last till I realize that I am lucky that I am born in a family that values education for a girl child. And, once I realize that, my pride (hopefully) transforms into gratitude.

To me, it seems increasingly that pride and gratitude are two sides of the same coin.